Grab your fishing gear, license, and get ready to go! Fishing in North Georgia is one of the most peaceful, but also exhilarating past-times! Some of the state’s best freshwater spots are conveniently located in and around Blue Ridge. Whether you’re searching for trout, bass, walleye, or all the above, you can find it all by boat or wading in the beautiful chilly waters.
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It has been said that if you are fishing to catch fish, you are fishing for the wrong reason. Now, don’t get me wrong, catching fish is a whole lot of fun and definitely the reward for all the effort you put forth, but what I’m talking about is the spiritual part of fishing. There is just something about being in the middle of the river, just you and your rod. The motion and the movement of your rod and line is like an artist painting a masterpiece. The subtlety of the line whipping back and for
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Just as with restaurants, we all have a wide variety of choices in the world of golf experiences. You can opt for the simple and cheap, just as you might choose fast food and a takeout menu, or you can refine your tastes, and choose to fine dine on the truly extraordinary. In North Georgia, you can easily find a golf course to suit your basic needs, then spend a couple of hours chasing the small ball, in high traffic, over unremarkable terrain, or you can be more discerning and decide to play a
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